Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
RSC productions are some of the best examples of theatre making in the world. As with many of their shows their production of Julius Caesar challenges conventions and explores the play from an exciting perspective, making the story of political upheaval, power struggles and betrayal both urgent and vital.
Concept trailers for the RSC help to share the tone, style and mood of the upcoming play, engaging audiences and whetting the appetite for what is to come. This trailer aims to reflect the two sides of Brutus which are exposed in their relationship with Caesar.
We shot this trailer while the play was in the very early stages of production. We worked alongside the very talented team who gave us an overview of the feel of the production and the design by Rosanna Vize. The vision of black blood demonstrating the struggle between the two sides of Brutus’ character was enhanced by the physical separation between two parts of the image with glass.
We hoped to create a lot of texture and depth to the shots, which we achieved using a variety of textured glass and plastic sheeting staggered throughout the set. The majority of the trailer consists of macro shots which were used to highlight the intense performance of Thalissa Teixeira as Brutus.